310-319 -> Thor's Hammer
320-329 -> Dragon Sword
330-339 -> Dexonschwert
340-349 -> Elias blade
350-359 -> sword of Goliath
360-369 -> Neoplythklinge
370-379 -> Senshiklinge
380-389 -> ghost sword
390-399 -> Titanium Sword
400-409 -> Crescent Blade
410-419 -> Exothekenaxt
420-429 -> Nypthonschwert
430-439 -> Holy Hornaxt
440-449 -> Excalibur
450-459 - "Devil's club
460-469 -> Elven Sword
470-479 -> Großbreitschwert
500-509 -> ox tooth blade
510-519 -> Metal Blade Plate
520-529 -> execution blade
530-539 -> Amoradolche
540-549 -> Dartiolpicke
550-559 -> Katanaschwert
560-569 -> Two-iron blade
570-579 -> devil dragon bell
900-909 -> leg
910-919 -> Zin-daggers
3230-3239 -> Tribal Sword
3240-3249 -> Zin-blade
7220-7229 -> moonbeams sword
7230-7239 -> Dragon Blade Heart
7500-7509 -> Buster Sword
8030-8039 -> Demoncial bow
8040-8049 -> arc of anger
8050-8059 -> arch of the sky
8060-8069 -> Supreme bow
8080-8089 -> Aqua Knife
8090-8099 -> Desert Sword
9010-9019 -> Angry bell
9030-9039 -> Broadsword of the Black